Social Media Tips for The Anti-Social Contractor (Part IV)

When it comes to social media marketing, it is very important to have one person dedicated to managing your social media. Contributions from the entire staff are always nice, but having one person who can lead social media efforts is key. Find someone in your office that is:
- Already using social media on a daily basis. You know the person. That person that posts their kids photos, comments on every news article and TV show.
- They should have a positive and optimistic personality
- Have 30 minutes or more a day to dedicate to your social media
- Have a complete understanding of your company missions, services, products, and customer service procedures
The person who manages your social media does not have to be the owner of the company, or head of marketing, but they should be someone you can trust. They should be able to engage with people who post on your social media, as well as contribute to local pages, and provide responses on their pages in order to generate interaction.
This Does Not Mean That There is Only One
Besides the social media manager who will spend 30 minutes a day setting up your 3-3-3 plan and engaging and responding to local pages as well, you can always allow any your employees the ability to post within social media.
Of course, if you are worried about this, you should create a social media policy on what they can post and what not to post. Since you are a home improvement contractor, it is great to get constant interaction and updates from the field. Allowing your technicians and project managers access to your social media pages gives them a plethora of ideas to post on daily basis. This can include:
- Detailed photos of projects they are working on
- Videos of customers directly from their home
- Testimonials that are basically instantaneous tagged directly from the location they are working at
- Photos of service calls with exact problems, i.e. Has anyone seen a worse furnace?
- Photos of local spots or landmarks your technicians are passing or working at
Having your own technicians and project manages associated with your company's social media is only going to grow your network and definitely increase your lead flow for your company.
So at the end of the day, every employee of your company is responsible of your overall social media strategy with one dedicated person managing the overall navigation.
Of course if you don't even want to bother with this, you can always let Footbridge Media handle your social media marketing!

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.