How Contractors Should NOT Market Specialized Services

You are an expert in your trade, so you probably offer a variety of specialized services. These services may seem like second nature to you, but to the layperson, the terms may be foreign and confusing.
Not to mention, it's hard to search for something online if you've never heard of it before. While you may know to search for trenchless sewer repairs or wire brushed flooring , it is doubtful that many potential clients will. They are more than likely going to search for something simpler.
You can have pages on your website for all the specialized services and products you offer or may even consider to offer, but if no one is searching for these terms, it's not going to benefit your business the way you're hoping it will. Search engines love fresh and lengthy content, just don't be alarmed when your specialized service pages aren't getting that many hits.
When was the last time you searched for a fair-trade, no-GMO local organic coffee roaster rather than a coffee shop?
Don't Forget the Basics
Regardless of how many specialized services and products you can offer, your potential clients are probably not aware of that when they're starting their initial web search. You may offer 25 different types of flooring, but most people aren't going to get much farther than "hardwood floors" when they're searching for contractors.
When it comes to specialized services and products, it's great to get the word out about what you offer. Just keep in mind that a large portion of your target audience isn't going to know to search for those terms until after they've talked with you about a more generalized topic.
Let's Put It in Perspective
Here's something most everyone has done: you have a headache and your stomach hurts. You type your symptoms into Google, and viola! According to WebMD, you have Gastroenteritis. Maybe anemia. Or just a migraine. Who knows?
A doctor. The specialist, who oftentimes has a much less dramatic diagnosis of your symptoms than WebMD suggests in its dictionary of all things medically horrific that might include "headaches" or "stomach cramps" as a symptom.
You aren't expected to know what's wrong with you before you go to the doctor. You start out telling him or her your symptoms, then it goes from there. Isn't it the same with your trade? Your potential client has no idea why X isn't working. You can take one look at it and know what repairs are needed. You know they need part or service XYZ. But the client has never heard of XYZ before, much less why they need it.
So they are going to search for "X repairs" or "X company." Then, they are going to call you to tell you "X is not working." You will educate them on XYZ, and then the client will know the diagnosis and treatment needed for their problem.
So while it's good to promote specialized services and products on your website, keep in mind the way most people think when conducting an online search. Many of your potential clients are not likely aware of the terminology used in your industry, and will stick with simple searches like "plumbing repairs" or "flooring installation." Don't ignore the importance of the basic services you offer. When it comes to search results, very few people are typing in XYZ... all they know is X.
You Need a Specialist, Too
At Footbridge Media we specialize in search engine optimization and website building, just like a plumber or HVAC contractor specializes in their trade. Our team can read about air conditioning repairs all day long, but we still don't know how to do your job.
We all need specialists, from the doctor that tells us it's just heartburn to the plumber that tells us we need trenchless sewer repairs. Let us be your online marketing specialist, and help you cultivate an online presence that helps your business grow.
The keyword research we do incorporating specific phrases and terms into your website will help you reach a broader audience, including the people who have never heard of your specialized service before. So give us a call, and let's work out the best way to promote your specialized services and products. (And for goodness sake, go to the doctor.)

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.