Is A DIY Contractor Website Right For You? | DIY Versus Professional Websites For Contractors

DIY Contractor Website vs. Professional Website Services

DIY contractor websites platforms versus using a professional website agency
Chris Lonergan
Chris Lonergan May 15, 2024

Pros And Cons Of DIY Websites For Contractors: Which Option Is Right For You

The early days of contractor marketing were basically having a sign on your work vehicles and an ad in the Yellow Pages.

Now, contractors and home service providers need to contend with the dozens and hundreds of possible pathways that customers use in the search to find a company to help care for their property.

The DIY marketing world has exponentially expanded as well. As DIY marketing platforms and software have grown, we can understand why some newer contractors are tempted by do-it-yourself contractor marketing efforts as a possible option.

Let’s take a look at one key part of your online marketing presence - your website.

When it comes to DIY versus professional contractor website services - what's the right choice for your website? How can you best balance how you spend your time and money to develop your business?

Should You DIY Your Website For Your Business?

There have never been more options for do-it-yourself websites for contractors on the market. DIY website design and build companies have become increasingly popular in recent years, couched as a way for small businesses and startups to take control of their destiny and build their own web presence without the high costs of a marketing agency. Popular DIY website builders include…

  • Wix
  • Squarespace
  • Wordpress
  • Weebly
  • Duda

It’s become so common that website hosting companies tend to offer website builders alongside their domain and hosting options, like…

  • GoDaddy
  • Bluehost
  • Hostinger
  • HostGator

The Benefits Of DIY Contractor Websites

If you have absolutely zero cash, having a DIY website is a solid option to have more than just a parked domain page for your business.

Most of these website builders have easy-to-use tools that allow anyone comfortable enough to operate a smartphone to build a basic home page, so you can have a place to put your logo, phone number, list of services you offer, and a contact form.

When you don’t have money on hand early on in the business building process, your only option at that point is to spend your time instead of your money wherever possible. With enough sweat equity, you can use a DIY contractor website builder to have a domain name you can put on business cards or yard signs.

The Downsides Of Do-It-Yourself Contractor Websites

Lots Of Time Spent On Your Website

The most obvious concern is that you’re in charge of your website whenever you’re not taking care of your customers.

At best, even if you’re going to create a single-page, static website that you’ll never change again, you’re going to spend a good amount of time to make that page.

At worst, if you’re trying to regularly add content to your website over time - that means you’re taking care of customers during the day and managing your website at night.

DIY Contractor Websites And Ranking Problems

When was the last time you saw a DIY contractor website ranking well organically for a popular search term?

There are many factors behind why most do-it-yourself websites don’t rank particularly well as a general rule.

Slower Loading Website

The thing that makes website builders able to be so variable and customizable can also be a technical optimization downfall. On the code side of things, there tends to be more bloat when you have more complex designs.

That usually means needing to load a large amount of code and resources that aren’t being used by your website, just in case some other website wants to use it.

Slow websites tend to send customers clicking back to the SERP, which means you’re not answering the needs of searchers. Search engines recognize this and rank those pages accordingly.

Content Quality

It’s understandable that you’re an expert in your industry and may not have formal training or real-world experience with web content creation. (Just like how I can try to fix things around my house by watching YouTube videos, but I don’t do it with the speed or skill of a professional).

So, it follows that DIY content creation may not be as effective at answering client concerns and hitting technical search engine optimization criteria.

Website Structure

It’s understandable that many DIY contractor websites are single-page sites. Putting together a nice-looking home page is a great starting off point.

A well-optimized website needs multiple pages and the correct linking structure to do well from an SEO perspective.

Content Frequency

You don’t want to work on your website after you’ve spent the day taking care of your customers and all the other parts of your business. That’s why most DIY contractor websites are static websites that do not grow over time. If your competitors are expanding their marketing efforts and you’re not, you’re going to eventually fall behind.

How Professional Contractor Website Design And Development Addresses Those Problems

Homeowners call upon contractors to take care of their homes when DIYing is no longer the best solution.

Contractors and home service providers call upon professional marketing agencies like Footbridge Media when DIY marketing isn’t the best course of action anymore.

Reclaiming The Hours In Your Life

While it may cost more money out of pocket, you’re saving your own time so you can spend your hours elsewhere - either in your business or with your family.

The Value Of Niche Marketing Experience

Beyond just having any marketing agency, having a contractor marketing agency can be a major benefit. A marketing partner that understands how the home service companies work (and how their prospective customers act) is important.

An online marketing professional will help your website load quickly, with the right content and SEO components, so that you maximize your visibility and minimize your personal time commitment.

If your business is ready to improve your online presence and you’re ready to take the next step with your website, the pros at Footbridge Media are here to help

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