The Benefits of Having Your Own Home Improvement Blog

The ease of use on the internet has come a long way – from both the perspective of the reading audience and the content creators. Originally called a weblog – then web log – now simply "blog" – with the right tools and marketing assistance it is very easy to actively maintain an online presence rife with content. Let's talk about the benefits of having a your own home improvement blog or home services blog.
Establish Yourself as the Expert
Whether you are a handyman or a home builder or anything in between, prospective customers want to know that they are dealing with an expert in their field. They want to work with a professional – someone who can be trusted with access to their home or business, as well as their money.
While part of how you establish yourself as an expert is with social trust factors like online review and social media presence – but those require active work by others.
With your home improvement blog and home services blog, you can create content that demonstrates your expertise. Talking about your craft on a regular schedule and publishing that to your website (and across other marketing platforms like your social media and email marketing services) shows that you are active in your skills – and that you are a resource for others to rely upon.
Honestly - Help Your Customers, Free of Charge
Your web content doesn't have to be long form responses to engineering questions to earn the trust of your potential customers. The majority of questions that those potential clients will have aren't going to be that deep or detailed.
Your blog content, when done right, will actually be providing good quality content that educates your customers and helps provide them the information they need to make a home improvement or home services purchasing decision. And because it is on your website, their should be a little call to action to remind your prospective customer that you, as the expert they trusted and who provided the content, are available to assist them.
Create Fresh Content for People and Search Engines
The fresh content doesn't just help out your prospective customers. Regular additions to your website with high quality, relevant content can also help to improve your organic optimization and performance in the search engines. Google and other search engines are in the business of keeping customers around. That's what they do so they can keep users around to use their other paid services or to serve advertising to them.
The reach their end goal, they try to connect people to the most relevant information. If you can, on a regular basis, provide relevant content for users to consume – Google will ultimately reward you with better placement.
Answer Questions Your Customers Are Already Asking
Put yourself in your prospective customers shoes. What help do they really need? Say that a homeowner may be considering a new air conditioner because their old system just doesn't seem to be cutting it anymore.
They aren't going to be concerned with a new unit's SEER or about variable-capacity operation – they want their house to be colder and they are not looking forward to paying out the nose to have you come and install a new AC.
They want to know if they can just get away with repairs for now. They want to know common warning signs that they might need a new system. They want to know how to tell when they need a professional to come out and look at their system. Your home improvement blog and home services blog is a key way that you can distribute that information
So How Do I Take Advantage Of A Home Improvement Blog or Home Services Blog?
Technical implementation of a blog is much easier and simpler than it used to be, but there is still work to be done. Having a web or marketing company (like Footbridge Media!) helps greatly in reducing the barriers to getting a blog implemented and regularly maintained.

About Chris Lonergan
Chris Lonergan has over 12 years of contractor marketing experience with Footbridge Media. With a background in web design, print design, content creation, and online marketing, Chris is focused on providing quality marketing and business solutions in the construction and service industries - helping small business owners to more efficiently manage their companies and grow their operations.
Chris Lonergan has previously contributed to and/or been featured in PM Magazine (Plumbing & Mechanical | Contractors x Engineers), theNEWS (ACHR - Air Conditioning | Heating | Refrigeration), Service Roundtable's blog, inPAINT Magazine, the SMB Marketing Agency Show, and the Green Industry Podcast. Chris is also a past SGI/CertainPath breakout session presenter.