Getting Started Using Pinterest for Your Business

Let me tell you of a social network that is blowing up right now, and continues to grow every day. When a website catches on like this, trends arise quickly. One of these trends is home improvement. Pinterest is a place where you can "pin" images you find on the web, and set them in categories that are called "boards". Many people are sharing ideas for new bathroom remodels, or kitchen renovations, or images of what they want their bedroom to look like in the future. This is a great opportunity for home construction contractors to jump in and join the conversation.
Here are some advice in getting into using Pinterest for your company.
Spend a Little More Time With This One
Pinterest is new to most. Take a little time to look around, and see how other people are using it. Use the search feature to see what people are posting, or "pinning". Take some time to create boards and keep them organized. Users have the ability to follow either everything you pin, or just certain boards that you create and pin to. If you're confused by these terms I'm saying like "pin" and "repin" and "boards", if you spend some time with Pinterest, you'll understand what I mean.
Don't Keep It All Business
To entertain the followers, it's OK to throw in some personality along with displaying your photos of your latest remodeling project. Pin things that you enjoy, favorite music, places to visit, or some food recipes (there's alot of that on Pinterest) that you'll want to look up later. But, something you can do to cross business with personal, is to post images taken around the office or jobsite of you or your employees. That gives the follower a sense that there is a person behind your company, and they will feel more connected with you.
Socialize! It is a Social Network After All
Find interesting people to follow, repin their posts, comment on their posts, and get your company name out there. There are many people talking about services that you offer right now. People are creating boards of what they want their future kitchen to look like. Give them some tips on how to get there and what they should start with. The search feature will help out with finding people, and you can connect your personal Facebook profile, or Twitter account to see if your friends have already signed up.
Boost SEO Efforts to Your Site
A great feature of the site, is when you pin something that is on your website, to one of your Pinterest boards, it creates a link to your website that other pinterest users can click and go straight to your company site. What's even better is when someone really enjoys what you have pinned. They'll "repin" it to their followers. That creates another link to your site to other people that you haven't met yet. This is one big reason to meet new people and socialize like I mentioned above.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.