Content is King

Whatever you are selling, if it is lawn care services or new home construction, your website better have as much content has possible. This is because the Internet is the information superhighway and most people use it for information of some sort.
The information on a website is its content. Generally the more useful and interesting content a website has the more successful it will be. This is because more people will want to visit it again and again, this is especially true if a website is constantly adding more and more content on a regular basis be it articles, latest projects, consumer information and opinion or whatever.
It's true there are hundreds of thousands contractor websites on the web but only the odd surfer goes online to specifically look for a company so if you gear your site to simply sell your product and services and do nothing else you won't be very successful.
This is because nobody will even visit your site unless they're looking specifically for your product and they just so happen to find it via a search engine.
Now you know content is king but do you know what good content is? Well the first trick to creating good content for your website is to be sure that your content will have specific appeal to your target audience.
Next you want original content, if someone asked me what I considered good content I'd say that it was content that's different and unique and not the same as the content on the otherwebsite I just came from.
Good content will show the writers own personality and flavor in it. It will be interesting and very informative, if it's not what's the point of putting it online in the first place, nobody will benefit from it and it won't help you get more repeat visitors.
Your content should be easy to understand and use regular English as far as possible, if you've to use topic specific words that could cause trouble for some visitors make sure you explain them. To create content you simply write news and articles about the services you offer, albeit kitchen remodeling or about the latest water heater design. This ensures that visitors who read your content are also the visitors that are likely to be interested in buying your product.
This is what makes Footbridge Media's complete marketing program one of the best in the industry. Each month, we add monthly articles, press releases and consumer information directly to your website, which not only increases the content on your site, but also by adding more pages, more information, will increase the likelihood that someone will find your site.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.