Building Your Testimonial List

In a previous blog, we wrote about 3 rather quick things that you can do right now to help your business. One of those items was to get testimonials from previous customers for your potential customers to see. Let's get into that a little bit more, but before I do, one quick thing. If you have testimonials already(in an email, on paper, in a Word Document, etc...) that are not displayed anywhere... get them on your website. It takes two minutes to get them up there or to send them off to your webmaster. Done. Now, read on to find out the importance of growing your testimonial list...
Gain Trust With Your Testimonial List
Being personal is a huge thing when it comes to online marketing. People do not trust someone they haven't met, that's understandable. I do that, you do that. It is needful for you to portray a down to earth person that someone can relate to in all that you do on the internet. We'll get into the subject of getting more personal in the days ahead, but one way to break that untrusting attitude in your visitor is to display testimonials and reviews of your previous work by your company.
Having a handful of testimonials for a potential customer to read will first off let them know that you do great work. Your website can talk about how great you are in as many ways as possible, but when someone else does that, it means so much more.
Show You Have Experience
In addition to informing them that you do great work, it will also show that you have been in your line of work for at least a little while. Everyone has to get started somewhere, but the reality is, people want someone with experience, and showing that you have done not only good work, but you have the experience of these projects under your belt. That carries great weight with people.
Building your testimonial list may seem hard for some. Asking for a word or a comment on your completed project is the most effective way to get what you need, but sometimes can seem intimidating. Possibly a good option for those who may not feel comfortable asking your customer for this, is sending them a follow up questionnaire through email or direct mail. That way it gives them an option to decide if they want to fill it out or not, but by you taking the time to send it to them, if they have any gratitude at all towards your work, they will take the time to fill it out.
A Special Offer
You can make one of these questionnaires for your customers yourself, but just for Footbridge Media clients, we have taken the work out of doing that for you to save you some time. If you are already a Footbridge Media customer, contact us and request one of these forms that you can send to your customers and start building your testimonial list!

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.