3 Things That You Can Do Right Now

A quick trip around the internet for ways to improve your marketing for your company can get your head spinning. Update this, sign up for that, send this out... I'm already exhausted. Ever hear the phrase "a little at a time"? 3-5 minutes in a day can sometimes go a long way. Here's 3 things you can do RIGHT NOW to help connect to your customers in a personal and professional manner.
Get More In-Depth About Who You Are
Sure, there's a page on your site titled "About Us" and explains how long you've been in business and briefly describes why someone should hire you, and that's all well and good, but people don't want to hire John's Remodeling Company, they want to hire John. They want to feel like their dealing with a person, and not a large business that just runs them through a process. So tell them more about yourself, maybe about your team, short bio's for all of them, or some of them, maybe just those that your future customer may meet on their project with you.
Get a Business Email
You have a website, so why do I have to contact you through jerrythecontractor@yahoo.com? There is no reason to not have email set up for atleast yourself, or even the whole company if possible. Going to cost you some more money from your hosting company? It's worth it, and really, it's probably not that much more a month. The cost is built into your whole website package? Perfect, then get on it then. Get a business email. Anyone can go to hotmail.com and sign up for an email address, but jerry@myremodelingwebsite.net shows more professionalism to your potential customers.
Ask Past Customers for a Review
I thought this one would go without saying, but I have found that people just get nervous asking for things. They think they are going to come off pushy, or over the top. But what people want to know is if you will do a good job or not, and what better way to know that you do than by letting someone tell them that you have? So ask for it. You still have their email address right? Send them a quick message.
You've already done these tasks? Great! You should be commended for your efforts in furthering your appeal to your previous and potential customers. Promote what you have done. You have sat down and created content for your About Us page for your website, it doesn't have to stay right there. Use a summary for your signature on forums that you visit, and you also have a new email address that you can post up there too. Don't be shy, get your name out there. Post the reviews you've received onto your website, quote them in any advertisement, or on a postcard you may send out, just use it.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.