Apple's WWDC 2014 and What It Means for Your Marketing

This week's WWDC was full of new software previews for Apple fans. Including presentations to appeal to basic users as well as techies, there's a lot of new information about Apple's updated computer operating system (OS X Yosemite) and device operating system (iOS8) – But what does that mean for your marketing? We've sifted through the keynote speech to find a few key points to make sure your marketing can be as effect as possible.
Continuity: Placing Calls From Your Mac
One of the surprises at this year's WWDC was the concept of "Continuity" between Mac computers and iOS devices. Part of the "Continuity" demonstration showcases the ability to place a call over Wi-Fi, which means that iPhone users can place phone calls through a Mac personal computer or laptop by simply clicking on a phone number in Safari (Apple's default web browser). While it's still too early to tell exactly how this will be done, our guess is that it will be possible for other browsers to generate click-to-call links using the same html code phone number mark-up that we already place within any new website that Footbridge Media develops. If another organization has created or maintains your site, it's worth checking to see if you have this html code in place.
Let Me Bing That for You
Bing on iOS devices isn't a new thing. Bing has been an option for iOS device's "default search engine" for a while now. Since iOS7, Bing has been the brains behind Siri's web search requests. But now we're seeing Bing spread a little further throughout the Apple ecosystem. Following the WWDC keynote speech, multiple news outlets received a statement from Bing's director of search confirming that Bing would continue operating as the default web search for Siri, and that it would now be the default web search provider for the redesigned Spotlight search features for iOS8 and OS X Yosemite this fall. While we can't be certain as to the amount Siri and the updated Spotlight for Mac/iOS will be utilized by the average user, it's always best to be prepared. With 40 million Mac desktop/laptop users and 800 million iOS users running the latest operating systems, there is good reason to be ready.
So What Do I Have To Do Different For Bing?
While we obviously don't know the exact nature of the Google's and Bing's algorithms, we can ascertain a few differences. Most of the elements that Bing pays closer attention to are either completely out of your control or part of ordinary good SEO practices. This includes things like Bing's preference for older domains, traditional on-page SEO meta tags, and the location of the searcher in relation the closest business address (compared to Google which often selects the closest AND most established companies near the searcher).
The one aspect that of Bing's search algorithm that you can actively work on is social media integration. Bing integrates social media via the "Social Sidebar". Additionally, Bing, in a 2010 interview confirmed that they used social media authority as a factor in determining the weight of search result listings. At the same time, Google also noted they used social as a signal, but have since backpedaled. As recently as January 2014, the head of Google's webspam team discussed social media signals, stating that "we don't currently have any signals like [followers on Twitter or... likes on Facebook] in our web search ranking algorithms." While there is still some debate on whether on not Google really does utilize social media signals, as well as how much Bing's social integration and social media recommendations will affect the built-in Spotlight searches, it is still overall good practice to maintain at least a basic social media presence. Growing your social media presence and getting recommendations on Facebook may help boost your visibility on Bing and top-of-mind awareness.
"Hey Siri" & Apple Maps
Now that Siri is easier to use with always listening "Hey Siri" command as well as Apple Maps search results displaying in iOS/OS X's new spotlight, Yelp is still important. Yelp powers Apple Maps listings, Siri's local listings, and even influences Bing's local search. Maintaining an updated Yelp listing will not only help your visibility in front of millions of potential Mac and iOS users, but will also keep your NAP in order.

About Chris Lonergan
Chris Lonergan has over 12 years of contractor marketing experience with Footbridge Media. With a background in web design, print design, content creation, and online marketing, Chris is focused on providing quality marketing and business solutions in the construction and service industries - helping small business owners to more efficiently manage their companies and grow their operations.
Chris Lonergan has previously contributed to and/or been featured in PM Magazine (Plumbing & Mechanical | Contractors x Engineers), theNEWS (ACHR - Air Conditioning | Heating | Refrigeration), Service Roundtable's blog, inPAINT Magazine, the SMB Marketing Agency Show, and the Green Industry Podcast. Chris is also a past SGI/CertainPath breakout session presenter.