What's the Purpose of Your Website?

Earlier this week, I spoke with a home service professional that is transitioning their side gig into their full-time job – pouring their full efforts into the development of their new business. Our conversation turned to the website, and we discussed the pros and cons of different website and online marketing providers – which included a basic overview of exactly what websites are for.
Most people take their website for granted as something that they simply have to have – so they don't put much thought into that very question – "Why do I need a website for my construction business?" or "Do I really need a website for my home service business?"
Let's go over a few reasons for why your website is important – and what makes them different from other places on the web that you can publish your contact information.
Your Website is Important for Social Trust
Whether you're a remodeler or a septic tank specialist, if people are going to spend money on your business – they want to make sure you are legitimate. There are so many "contractor rip off" and "contractor scam" stories that circulate through the news that you have to fight that stigma as part of your sales process.
Simply having a website presence helps to demonstrate to your prospective customer that you are not a fly-by-night contractor. A website shows you have an established and very public identity. Sure, a Facebook page can do that for you. And you should have a social media presence for your business to contribute to your social trust – but it shouldn't be the only way.
"Having a Facebook page" doesn't hold the same weight as "having a website" for most users – no matter how popular Facebook is with your prospective customers.
Your Website is Important to Sell Yourself
Your website is your sales pitch. Aside from showing people that you're legit, you're trying to convince them to trust you and your expertise when it comes to your business. Your website allows you to hit the highlights – featuring your best work and most satisfied clients to promote your business.
With the right content, your website effectively becomes a 24/7 sales person for your business – identifying possible objections and answering the questions that you know your prospective customer will ask.
Your Website is Important to Improve Your Visibility
Along with referrals, online search remains one of the most common ways to find contractors that can help solve a homeowner or business owner's problems. While it is true that someone could find your business from a Yelp directory page or from a BBB listing – you have the most control over the effectiveness of your visibility by having a highly optimized website and online marketing presence (along with strong citations).
Your organic presence (if searchers find your website with specific keyphrases) and your local presence (if searchers find your Google Listing or website using specific search queries as influenced by the user's physical location) are based at least in part on the technical optimization and the content quality of your website.
You could theoretically have any website, like one on Wix or SquareSpace, and rank for specific terms with the right amount of effort. Some of those providers even have specific "enable SEO" buttons that can – somewhat – contribute to your optimization.
But with a well maintained and optimized website built by a marketing provider that specializes in improving a business and their online presence – your ability to optimize and improve your visibility isn't limited to technical restrictions of a web builder.
So, the answer is yes – your website has a purpose. It has multiple purposes. It helps to demonstrate you are trustworthy, it helps to sell your business, and it helps to get you found. Does your current website do those things?

About Chris Lonergan
Chris Lonergan has over 12 years of contractor marketing experience with Footbridge Media. With a background in web design, print design, content creation, and online marketing, Chris is focused on providing quality marketing and business solutions in the construction and service industries - helping small business owners to more efficiently manage their companies and grow their operations.
Chris Lonergan has previously contributed to and/or been featured in PM Magazine (Plumbing & Mechanical | Contractors x Engineers), theNEWS (ACHR - Air Conditioning | Heating | Refrigeration), Service Roundtable's blog, inPAINT Magazine, the SMB Marketing Agency Show, and the Green Industry Podcast. Chris is also a past SGI/CertainPath breakout session presenter.