Two Simple Facebook Marketing Tips

If you have friends and supporters of your company that have befriended you on your personal Facebook profile, you most likely have thought about how to get them to move over to your official company page. Here are two quick tips on letting them know about your Facebook page. Some of you have already been doing this, but for those that aren't sure how to get the word out of your Facebook page, this is for you.
Share Your Company Page With Your Entire Friend List
Your company Facebook page should have a little "share" link that can be very useful in promoting your page to your friends. Clicking that will allow you to share your company page, and encourage your friends to like and support your company. This way, you can give very specific instructions to like your page, and it will be a great way to advertise your page to people that do not know you have your company on Facebook.
Share a Story From Your Company Page With Your Friends
This tends to be the most effective way to draw people to your company page, as it feels a little more subtle. For every status, link, article, note, or anything else that is posted on your company Facebook page, there is a "share" link underneath it that you can click. You'll be able to share specific content from your company page to your friends. And, maybe you can let them know that information is posted on this page that you're sharing from often. This could help let your readers understand that your company page is not only being updated often, but it'll also be updated with information that they would be interested in.
It's important not to "overshare". Sharing every single update from your company page to your personal Facebook friends can have bad consequences. It can come off as being too self-promotional. Also, it gives people a reason to not like your company Facebook page, because they can get the same information from you, as they can your company page. About 1-3 times a week would not be oversharing, but a good balance for you and your friends.
Also, get your employees to do this. They have friends and family that would benefit from your services when they need it, right? It's very helpful to have employees that believe in the work you all do everyday so let them know what they can do to help.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.