Seasonal Contractor Marketing: Identify, Prepare, and Launch

With a few exceptions, every business has their "seasons" that they must contend with. When done right – with the help of some seasonal contractor marketing efforts, you can start to fill up your schedule earlier and have great top-of-mind awareness for the busiest times of the year..
Part of your marketing plan should include preparation for seasonal marketing. Let's talk about your current seasonal marketing gameplan, and what you need to do today to get ready for a busy tomorrow.
Identify Your Seasonal Swings
Take a look at traditional seasons by industry and your past experiences to help identify what your business and your area's seasonal swings.
Heating & Air Conditioning Marketing Seasons
- Air Conditioner Tune Up
- Heating System Tune Up
Roofer Marketing Seasons
- Spring & Summer
- "Storm Damage" & "Hail Damage" Season in specific areas
Remodeler Marketing Seasons
- Tax Return Season
- The "Pre-Holiday Rush" in late summer and early fall (to just before Thanksgiving)
Carpet Cleaning Seasons
- From Springtime through December
- "Move In / Move Out" Seasons – specifically in college towns
- Holiday Preparation Seasons – For people who want to pass family inspections at end of the year holidays
Decking & Outdoor Living Marketing Seasons
- Early Spring Rush to prepare for usable space during the warm weather months
Lawncare & Landscaper Marketing Seasons
- Spring & Fall for Landscaping Clean-Ups
- Spring & Fall for Lawn Treatment
- Spring & Summer for Lawncare
- Spring & Fall for Landscaping Installations / Change Outs
Painter Marketing Seasons
- Tax Return Season
- Holiday Preparation Seasons
- Warm weather months
Pest Control & Animal Control Marketing Seasons
- Mosquito Control in Spring Through Late Fall
- Ant Control In Spring and Summer
- Warm Weather Months when some of the most hated pests (cockroaches, flys, wasps, etc) are most active
- Cold Weather Months – Specifically for areas where rodents are a problem
Plumber Marketing Seasons
- "Brown Friday" – The day after Thanksgiving
- The Holidays – When more stress is put on a residential plumbing systems with an increase of house guests
- Cold Weather Months – Particularly for burst pipes / outdoor spigots
- Sump Pumps & Spring Showers
Pressure Washing Marketing Seasons
- Warm Weather Months
Replacement Window & Siding Contractor Marketing Seasons
- Tax Return Season
- Springtime (when people are trying to open their windows for the first time in months!)
- Warm Weather months
Prepare Your Marketing
Remember that a well-rounded marketing plan involves multiple customer touch points, so you should prepare a multi-channel campaign to reach your new prospective clients and previous clients alike
Seasonal Print Marketing (Like EDDM)
If you haven't already tried it out, consider EDDM (Every-Door-Direct-Mailer) as an options. We've sung the praises of EDDM before. You can target specific neighborhoods (with specific income brackets or average home ages) and get into every mailbox on the street – at a lower cost than traditional postcards. So it is easier and cheaper to canvas your target service area
Online Marketing
Your website and social media channels should be prepared to present the same, unified front. You can take some of the same graphics or promotional offers from your print marketing and incorporate it into your website banner art and social media covers. This cohesive marketing message helps to reinforce your outbound message.
Paid Search (PPC)
Don't limit your seasonal sales messages to your website or offline marketing. Create PPC campaigns targeted to those seasonal message and promotions as well.
Launch Your Marketing – Pay Attention And Pull The Trigger
You should be less worried with the calendar and more worried about what your prospective customers are doing. It doesn't matter if it isn't the first day of Spring according to the calendar – if it is getting warmer in your neck of the woods, people are going to change their behavior. That's why preparation is so important, because without the proper planning you may miss out on the opportunity to properly position yourself for the busy season ahead.

About Chris Lonergan
Chris Lonergan has over 12 years of contractor marketing experience with Footbridge Media. With a background in web design, print design, content creation, and online marketing, Chris is focused on providing quality marketing and business solutions in the construction and service industries - helping small business owners to more efficiently manage their companies and grow their operations.
Chris Lonergan has previously contributed to and/or been featured in PM Magazine (Plumbing & Mechanical | Contractors x Engineers), theNEWS (ACHR - Air Conditioning | Heating | Refrigeration), Service Roundtable's blog, inPAINT Magazine, the SMB Marketing Agency Show, and the Green Industry Podcast. Chris is also a past SGI/CertainPath breakout session presenter.