Quick Contractor Blogging Tips

Now that there are many Footbridge Media clients using blogs to promote their companies, I thought I should provide some quick tips to ensure not only good organization, but also assistance in the overall optimization of your online presence.
- Using Keywords - Since you are discussing your business, providing tips, this should not be difficult to do, but you should be implementing keywords and keyword phrases within your post. Not only using them, but hyper linking them to relevant pages on your website. This helps the visitor find more information as well as assist in the optimization of the site.
- Post Regularly - When we first allowing our clients to maintain their own blogs, we required that they post a minimum of seven posts per month. We have eliminated this, as we believe a combination of your own blog along with other social media, like facebook will help you increasing your marketing and your relationship with your clients. But the more posts you do, the better it is for optimization as well as your clients.
- Categories - Make sure that your categories are relevant and contain keywords. Also when posting select only ONE CATEGORY. Selecting multiple categories creating duplicate content within your blog.
- Be Yourself - Why be anyone else? People will be able to relate to you much more easily. And it's so much easier than trying to be someone you are not. Each of us has our own personality and can express it through writing, so do not worry about every single word. Many visitors are more interested in the meaning of what is being said then the actual tone.
If you are a Footbridge Media client and want to begin managing your own blog, then please contact us today.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.