Presentation Folders: Are You Leaving Them Behind?

Regardless if you are on a service call, or giving an estimate or consultation, what are you leaving behind when you walk out the door? This article will give you a laundry list of ideas and marketing potential of excellent leave-behinds that you can use for any home improvement contractor, regardless if you are a plumber or home builder.
Besides the bill or estimate that you are leaving with the homeowner here are some ideas that you can use to leave behind. It is even better to keep everything in a presentation folder, so that the homeowner can reference all of your materials. Make sure that the folder is labeled with all of your company information. In most cases they will use the folder to collect all of their project information, leaving another marketing piece in their hands. Also, Always make sure that the bill or estimate is enclosed in your packet. Besides the obvious here are a few things that you should include in your presentation folder:
- Testimonial Sheet - This should be either a list of testimonials, or a sheet that can be completed if you have already completed service. You may want to include actual references of people that have received similar services as well
- Consumer Information Report (Tips on Hiring a Contractor)
- Maintenance Service Agreement Brochure and Sign Up Form
- Business Card
- Refrigerator Magnets
- Your Process – Show a written process for the project. What are the actual steps? How you will manage and handle clean up and day to day operations in the homeowner's home?
- Brief customer history brochure with valid licenses and professional memberships
- Copies of relevant insurance
- Print out of all guarantees and warranties
- Newsletter
- Information about your company referral program
- Coupons for future services or products or even partner companies that you strategically align with
A presentation folder will allow you to keep the same sales pitch each time, so you do not miss anything when dealing with a potential customer. Also it is beneficial to display and address client's fears, when it comes to home improvement. Show articles and photos of what contractor's do wrong. This will allow your potential clients to actually see what other contractors have done and also reassures them that you are professional and able to address any fears.
What you leave behind is important and the more information you provide allows them to remember you when they interview other contractors. If you are looking for presentation folder design and printing, make sure to check out our design print services for more information and resources!

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.