Is Your Presentation Book Up to Snuff?

Your presentation book is one of the most important tools that you should have in order to make a sale. When doing a presentation, albeit, an indoor air quality system or kitchen remodel, most homeowners will react better to visual aspects then your own words. Listed below are a few things that each and every presentation book should have:
- Company Information – This includes associations, mottos, copies of insurance, business licenses, certifications, president bios, etc.
- Photos – You should definitely have before and after photos of the specific project the homeowner is requesting. These photos must be very high resolution and print-quality. They should be so good that when you print them at 8"x10" they look even more amazing.
- Testimonials – Since this is a presentation book and not on your website, you should have at least 10 testimonials of people in their area, which include full name and town. When you receive testimonials, you should be getting a sign-off sheet on this.
- Industry Education – Let's face it the contracting industry regardless if it heating contractors or remodelers does not have a good reputation. Contractors are always in the top three for consumer complaints. Instead of avoiding this fact, you should bring the homeowner actual statistics and facts about your specific industry. Research consumer reports online and gather statistics to educate the homeowner. This helps them when dealing with other contractors, and you will always come off as more professional.
- Your Process – Show a written process for the project, what are the actual steps, how you will manage and handle clean up and day to day operations in the homeowner's home.
- Samples – Always bring samples of material that you may be using for the project. This will help the homeowner actually touch and feel the material, and also clarify what they may want.
- Using Tablets – Many contractors today are using tablets or Ipads to do their presentations. This is beneficial because you can show more to your potential client. Videos of completed projects, more digital photos as well as actual video testimonials.
When you are using your presentation book, please make sure that it goes with your actual sales pitch. A presentation book will allow you to keep the same sales pitch each time, so you do not miss anything. Also it is beneficial to display and address client's fears. Show articles and photos of what contractor's do wrong. This will allow your potential clients to actually see what other contractors have done and also reassures them that you are professional and able to address any fears.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.