Google I/O 2013, New Google Products and Features, What It Means for Contractor Marketing

There were lots of new fun tools and products that were unveiled during the Google I/O 2013 keynote, like Google Play Music All Access and development in game play services. Let's take some time to filter through the three and a half hours of keynote content and get to what these new innovations and changes at Google mean for you and your contractor marketing.
"1.4 Billion Mobile Devices on the World Wide Web"
If you ever doubted the prevalence of mobile devices, these staggering numbers should make you think twice. As announced at Google I/O, there have been 900 million Android activations and over 48 billion application installations. Apple reported 500 million iOS device activations during their earnings call in January 2013, and just recently announced 50 billion app downloads. That's not taking into account mobile Windows devices, Blackberry devices, and older mobile devices. That means there are 1.4 billion mobile devices on the World Wide Web. Web pages that aren't designed to be mobile friendly can potentially miss out on a large audience of customers.
"Build a Strong Google Maps Presence with Appealing, Up-To-Date Info"
Aside from working faster, Google Maps will now be more personalized to your usage and your current search. In the new Google Map preview demonstration, a user searches for restaurants in their area and clicks/taps on the establishment of their choice. When that specific restaurant is selected, their images, reviews, and ratings are displayed, and all other restaurants in that same search area are also emphasized on the map. If we expand this thought process to contractors with office facilities or showrooms, we can start to see the potential issues. If a potential client searches for your business on the new Google Maps, the competitors in your area are also highlighted. On the flip side, if your competitor's map listing is clicked, your business will also be highlighted. Build a strong Google Maps presence with appealing, up-to-date information for potential clients. Make sure your Google Plus listing looks the best with up to date ratings, reviews, contact information, and images. The new Google Maps system will also adapt and learn what locations and listings are important to you. If a client uses your listing frequently, it becomes a "landmark" for that specific customer, making your listing more prominently displayed every time they visit the map. This means your contact information is even easier to access.
From smartphones and tablets to laptops and computers, the landscape of web is constantly changing, and so must your contractor marketing efforts. What do you think about these changes? How do you plan on keeping up?

About Chris Lonergan
Chris Lonergan has over 12 years of contractor marketing experience with Footbridge Media. With a background in web design, print design, content creation, and online marketing, Chris is focused on providing quality marketing and business solutions in the construction and service industries - helping small business owners to more efficiently manage their companies and grow their operations.
Chris Lonergan has previously contributed to and/or been featured in PM Magazine (Plumbing & Mechanical | Contractors x Engineers), theNEWS (ACHR - Air Conditioning | Heating | Refrigeration), Service Roundtable's blog, inPAINT Magazine, the SMB Marketing Agency Show, and the Green Industry Podcast. Chris is also a past SGI/CertainPath breakout session presenter.