Contractor Marketing to New Homeowners

One market that every contractor should be marketing to is the new homeowner. People who have just built or purchased a new home, are fully aware of the little nuances of their home. They may be new to the area, want to know a local plumber. They may have purchased the house with plans to remodel. Whatever the reason, you should be marketing to this group.
You can get mailing lists from real estate agents, or even online databases. Then compile the list each month or quarter and send out a sales letter. A good letter you can use goes something like this:
Dear Homeowner,
Congratulations on your recent home purchase. The decision to purchase a home is often one of the most important choices of a lifetime. I wanted to take a moment of your time to personally welcome you to "insert neighborhood or street name or house address to show it's a personal letter not generic". Owning a home is a something to be proud of and we here at "insert your company here" take as much pride in the homes of our customers as we do our own. We are available to you for services such as "insert your featured services here" Whether your home is a newly constructed structure or an existing home, routine maintenance and timely repairs will maintain your investment and preserve it's beauty. Choosing a contractor to trust with your home is often a difficult and risky decision. Unlike some in the industry, "Insert company name here" helps remove the risk by providing you the homeowner with proof of licensure and insurance before ANY work commences. Our response time is one of the fastest in the area, ( If that's true for your company) and we provide only the highest level of quality in every project we undertake. We are available "insert your business hours here and if you offer 24/7 emergency service or not" for needs that arise. If "insert company name here" can be of service to you, please feel free to call on me, "insert your name here", personally at "business phone number" for priority response. Again, welcome to your new home.
Respectfully, Your Name
( handwritten signature it here IF above letter is typed )
Company Name Street Town, ST ZIP
Please make sure that it is written on professional letterhead.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.