Contractor Call-Only PPC: Is It Right for Your Business?

Even if you haven't run your own paid online marketing in the past, you're likely aware of common "PayPerClick" elements – like banner ads on website and text ads in search results. You may even know a little bit about those retargeting ads that follow you around the internet. But many contractors and business owners are not aware that Call-Only PayPerClick is an option that should be considered in some specific circumstances.
So What Exactly is Call-Only PayPerClick?
You can probably guess by context clues exactly what it is. Instead of a display banner or a text based call-to-action that leads to a landing page on your website with a method of capturing a customer's email address for a lead – call-only PPC ads only appear on smartphones. They feature a much simpler call to action; when users interact with the ad, it loads the phone's dialer so that a prospective customer can simply tap the dial button and get connected.
What Are the Benefits to Call-Only PayPerClick?
The majority of interactions that attempt to convert prospects to paid clients follows a traditional sales funnel; the way a client engages with you and your content at that point determines how well you can convert visitors to paid contracting customers. A PPC campaign is no different.
- A user is potentially interested in your service or product, as presented via PPC advertising
- Once you successfully get someone to click on an advertisement, the user then reviews the material presented to them on the landing page.
- They determine if the content is relevant to their original search query.
- Next, they may evaluate your content to see if your organization seems like a qualified vendor to achieve their desired goals.
- Once that determination has been made, they then complete your lead form or call the phone number on the landing page – generating a lead that you then have the opportunity to close.
Call-Only PayPerClick is a much shorter funnel. With a motivated user, two taps connects you to a potential customer – one tap to interact with the ad and a second tap to trigger their phone dialer.
What's the Downsides About Call-Only PayPerClick?
One of the greatest strengths of Call-Only PayPerClick can sometimes be a weakness in the wrong industries. Sometimes, people want to be sold a little more – they need more information before they are willing to commit to contacting a vendor. That means sometimes your users may not get to that "second tap" to connect to you.
There is similar potential for poor click-through rates in display or text based PPC, but given that there is substantive content between the PPC entry and the lead capturing moment, there is more room to "sell".
What Contractors Should Try Call-Only PPC?
Companies that are more visual nature, that usually get "shopped" over time should stay away from Call-Only PPC. Remodelers and painters need the space to sell customers and win them over with images of their work.
Emergency-based and service-based home services can potentially do well with call-only PPC. When your potential customer has an overflowing toilet or a furnace that just won't kick on – he or she is not as concerned with reviewing multiple contractors. That person just needs help now.
Tips & Tricks For Successful Call-Only PPC Campaigns
- You have to be fast on the phone – These campaigns aren't for people who usually let messages get to voicemail or who are sole entrepreneurs who cannot answer the phone on demand. If you miss a call, that means you wasted the value (and cost!) or a click on your PPC campaign
- Make sure you set campaigns to the correct hours – If you don't offer 24/7 emergency service, make sure you don't have your campaigns aren't running ads overnight.
- Maximize your copy space – You only have room for 70 characters total, so make sure that you find a way to quickly reassure the potential client that you are the right choice. You can address a user's potential pain points (like "Fast plumbing repairs") or focus on demonstrating trustworthiness ("15 Years HVAC Experience").
- Reference "Call" in your advertisement – You can also specifically say "Call Now!" or "Call Today!" – this would be in an attempt to reduce the number of people who get confused by the lack of a landing page, to lower the potential for wasted Call-Only PPC taps.
- Maximize your spend by leveraging experience – PayPerClick campaigns should be actively managed. Depending on the quality of your ad, your targeting, and your landing page quality (where applicable) – you could be overspending on every single click. Footbridge Media's contractor PayPerClick management services is available to all clients on our main online marketing program.

About Chris Lonergan
Chris Lonergan has over 12 years of contractor marketing experience with Footbridge Media. With a background in web design, print design, content creation, and online marketing, Chris is focused on providing quality marketing and business solutions in the construction and service industries - helping small business owners to more efficiently manage their companies and grow their operations.
Chris Lonergan has previously contributed to and/or been featured in PM Magazine (Plumbing & Mechanical | Contractors x Engineers), theNEWS (ACHR - Air Conditioning | Heating | Refrigeration), Service Roundtable's blog, inPAINT Magazine, the SMB Marketing Agency Show, and the Green Industry Podcast. Chris is also a past SGI/CertainPath breakout session presenter.