Contractor Blogging: Just Do It!

The most important quality in a successful home improvement blog is to write good quality content. And, as an owner of a home improvement company, you are the expert when it comes to the services and products you provide. The best solution is to simply share some of the expertise with your audience. Yet, due to time constraints or "fear of writing", many contractors avoid writing blog posts.
This is where we say, "Just Do It!" You do not have to be a professional writer or novelist looking to win a Pulitzer to write a good article. Simply write what you know using your own voice; be yourself. You should always write to help your readers and potential customers. You do not need to impress the readers with your writing. Keep it simple, and solve a problem, and people will continue to read your work. Each of us has our own personality and can express it through writing. So, do not worry about every single word. Many visitors are more interested in the meaning of what is being said then the actual tone.
Quick Tips to Get You Started
- Write a post on what homeowners should look for when hiring a contractor.
- Bullet point the misconceptions about a home improvement project or service call.
- Showcase projects you are working on and go into detail. Even have feedback from the homeowners.
Allow Your Employees to Post
Treat your website and blog as an educational magazine in home improvement. Have different authors (your employees) write on a regular basis. This helps you cut down on your own work and shows some authorship and spreads the professionalism of your blog.
Blogging allows you to share with your potential customers and solve problems that they may have. There is also a strong search engine optimization benefit when you are writing your blog posts. Get started today, and remember to share your blog posts with us.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.