Building Up Your Presence on Pinterest and Boosting Marketing Efforts

Pinterest offers contractors a great outlet for getting more exposure to their portfolio and website. But how do you keep your pins from getting lost in millions of pins being shared day in and day out? Start with great photos and keyword-focused descriptions for your pins. Then, build up your following.
While a large number of followers will improve your web presence, it's doesn't have to be the ultimate goal for your Pinterest account. Reaching a wide audience and getting your company's name out there is great; but repins and getting users to click the links attached to your pins should be what you're aiming for, as this will generate more traffic to your website and improve your ranking.
Increase Your Following
Getting people to follow you on Pinterest can be difficult at first, but not like on other social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. On Pinterest, users will follow you just because you share attractive interior design photos. You can generally attract users to follow you on Pinterest if you show that you have solid boards set up that you update regularly. Make sure your pins have relevant descriptions to catch users searching for your specialty (e.g. kitchen remodeling).
Build Up Your Boards
You won't retain followers if you don't have boards to attract them to you in the first place. So set up a few boards to get you started. You can be as specific or general as you want. You may want to make a board for home interior design as well as one for specific areas of the home (e.g. a board for each service you provide, such as bathroom remodels, kitchen remodels, attic conversions, etc.)
Don't have a lot of photos to get started? You don't have to upload all your own pins, though this should be the goal so that you can get traffic going to your website by showcasing your original work. You can build a large following just by repining the content and photos of others. Don't spam your followers by repining hundreds of pins every day, though. Find a few good, popular pins to repin to your boards, and try to do it at peak times (usually in the evening). Intermingle your own portfolio with the pins you find attractive from others, and you'll soon find your photos being shared around the world.
Follow the Trends
Take time to see what's trending on Pinterest by viewing the "Popular" section, and see if you have photos that relate to these trends. For example, there tends to be a fairly large following of users that love vintage furnishings and interior designs. Use trending keywords where relevant to get more exposure for your pins.
While this may not translate into leads from clients in your area, it'll still get your work out there. Plus, the more clicks your pins get to your website, the better your website will rank.

About Footbridge Media
Since 2004, Footbridge Media has worked exclusively with contractors just like you to help them achieve their goals. Your success is our business.