Asheville Plumber Uses Facebook and Charity to Generate Leads

Attaining Facebook likes is no easy proposition, but in light of the fact that Facebook now shows business page posts to an average of only 2% of existing fans, increasing the number of likes is essential in ensuring a sizeable audience giving you a greater chance to generate leads.
To that end, Footbridge Media recently ran a promotion for Four Seasons Plumbing of Asheville, NC, a client and member of our social media marketing. The promotion was simple – for every like on the client's Facebook page throughout the month of March, they would donate $1 to the local animal shelter. Keeping track of likes was as easy as noting the numbers at the beginning and end of the month.
The intention was to increase the number of likes – and in a month's time we did so ten-fold while also boosting the company's reputation within the community and helping another local organization as well. A win-win all the way around. Max Rose, owner of Four Seasons Plumbing stated:
Our objective was to generate an audience for our Facebook page. The idea was to donate $1 to the local Humane Society for every Like we received through the month of March. We decided to put a $1500 cap on it at the last minute just in case it went crazy.
To advertise, the client invested only $120 to boost the same post throughout the month, choosing the option to target the audience by city as opposed to showing the post to only friends of existing friends. This was necessary to keep the likes local and therefore within the plumbing company's service area. Within a month's time the boosted posts had been shared 68 times, reaching an audience of over 20,000 and netting the page over 1500 likes. In addition, the animal shelter shared the information on their own page for an even broader audience. Many commenters lauded Four Seasons for their generosity and promised to use them and refer them in the future.
We couldn't have been happier with the results. We finished the month of March with 1650 likes! This exceeded our expectations and we only spent $120 in Facebook boost. On top of that, during the month of March, we received just under $3000 in revenue form leads generated directly from the campaign. We never imagined actually getting leads directly from the campaign!
Facebook has become rough terrain for businesses in the recent past, but used strategically can still prove a powerful tool for attracting consumer interest while promoting a worthwhile cause within the small business owner's community. Please feel free to share your Facebook success stories with us on our Facebook page or check out our social media marketing.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.