9 Things to Do With the Phone Book You Just Got

Well it is that time of the year where homeowners and businesses receive one of the largest paperweights delivered straight to their door. At Footbridge Media, our postman actually offered us two if we wanted them. Reluctantly, we had to take the one.
As a digital marketing company, or any living being with internet access, we were perplexed on what to do with this, besides throwing it into the recycle bin. So we came up with a few ideas that may help you and your businesses and families when you receive this huge ream of used paper.
1. Kindling For Your Fire
With those cold autumn nights around, you may want to start a fire in your outdoor fire pit or cozy up to the fireplace, or even light up your grill. The phone pages makes an excellent form of kindling. Just tear out a few of those overpriced advertisements, bend them in half, twist the ends together and you will be on your way to a nice comfy fire.
2. Clean Your Windows
If you are trying to conserve paper in your home, cleaning your windows with pieces of the phone pages, may be the best solution. Not only does it work well, but the type of paper and ink acts as a light abrasive which will make your windows shine.
3. Protect Yourself With Body Armor
Worried about your personal safety during these trying times? Preparing for the apocalypse or zombie invasion? Then you may be able to use the phone pages as your own personal body armor. Here is a video displaying how the phone book will help protect you.
4. Arts & Crafts the Whole Family Can Share
Tired of your kids zoning out on their video games and tablets? Get them started in some homemade arts and crafts like papier-mâché or take those full sized injury lawyer advertisements and learn to make your own origami dinosaur.
5. Instant Booster Seat
If you have a small child, the phone book is the perfect size to give your little toddler the extra boost to see over the table. You can even get creative and cover the book with a blanket or cotton wrap.
6. Your Own Pen Holder
We thought this was a genius way to create your own pen organizer with the phone book.
7.Create Your Own Wrapping Paper
With the holidays right around the corner, use the phone pages as a unique and individual wrapping paper. Flip through the phone pages to a suitable topic. For example, giving someone that beautiful fruitcake that has been sitting in pantry for awhile, you can wrap it with pages from the bakeries section.
8. Ripen Fruits
Speed up the ripening process by wrapping tomatoes and pears in individual pages. Store them in a cool, dry place until perfectly ripe.
9. Personal Bug Exterminator
The phone pages are heavy and cover a large mass, and will instantly eliminate any bug that may be crawling by.
If you don't like any of our ideas, than please toss the phone book in the recycle bin. I know that the ideas above won't change the fact that you're throwing the paper away versus turning it into more paper through recycling. But it will at least give the pages some kind of use before they're sent to the landfill.

About Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Footbridge Media, a digital marketing agency, specializing in the contracting industry. It is his mission to create awareness of marketing online to the home improvement industry and to educate, inform, and assist contractors in taking over their own online presence.